Knowledge and Ideas
For the exchange of knowledge and ideas stemming from various scientific fields.
Active Cooperation
For the active cooperation among European scientists across various academic fields via the organization of meetings, colloquia or conferences of interdisciplinary and intra-cultural interests and the creation of a “Think Tank”.
Counseling and Support
For the moral, scientific, legal counseling and material support to colleagues and their families and also to every needy individual.
The President's Letter
January 2025
Emer. Prof. George Christodoulou
M.D., Ph.D., F.I.C.P.M., F.R.C. Psych – Athens, Greece
Dear Colleagues and Friends, members of our Team,
FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT, warmest wishes for the Year 2025 that has just commenced its course.
People usually wish for the New Year to be "uneventful". Yet, for a group full of vitality and thrust like the EAPE (this is not an attempt to be humorous) this is not an appropriate wish. We WANT events to happen, provided that they are towards a positive direction. We WANT to participate, we WANT to continue producing, we WANT to convey our experience to the younger generation of scientists, we WANT to teach them dexterities that we have acquired during our active scientific life and, most importantly, we WANT to ask them to consider our ethics positions that have shaped our attitudes.
Let me now explain why it is not a joke that we are "a group full of vitality and thrust". Because the mere fact that we are members of an ambitious group like the EAPE proves it. We could abstain and do nothing. But no! We keep on working, contributing and producing to the best of our ability. The report of activities that follows highlights this fact and the same stands for the previous reports. CLICK HERE TO READ THE WHOLE LETTER
George Christodoulou
President EAPE
EAPE's Position Statement
On Continuation of Academic Activities by Emeriti Professors
The European Association of Professors Emeriti (EAPE)
a) having considered that a substantial number of Professors Emeriti and retired Professors are able and willing to continue their academic and research acrtivities,
b) having taken into account that this will be beneficial to the academic community and to Society as a whole,
express the position that University authorities should provide them with access to University Information Technology (IT) and the opportunity to carry out teaching, research, mentoring, examining and governance activities.
This is a standard position of EAPE that we would like to re-affirm in writing, as a Position Statement.
Given in Athens, 24 April 2024.