Activities of the EAPE Sections
by George N. Christodoulou, MD, PhD, FRCPsych., FICPM, President-Elect, EAPE
Among the issues discussed lately in the EAPE Board, the Educational and Promotional activities of the Association were specifically highlighted. Under this light, the role that the Sections (former committees") could play was discussed and Prof. George Christodoulou and Prof. Dusica Lecic Tosevski were authorized to lead in this area. As a consequence we have contacted the coordinators of each section, asking them to contribute to these scopes by organizing section seminars. Each section would have to organize a seminar during a specific month so that in every single month there would be at least one EAPE seminar or webinar or both (in hybrid form).
We believe in this activity for a variety of reasons, the main reason being reinforcement of COMMUNICATION.
Indeed, there are members who wonder why they should continue their membership with the EAPE, especially in periods of great austerity like the present one.
What does the EAPE "give" to them and which are the advantages of belonging to our group?
We feel that the main advantage is COMMUNICATION. The opportunity to contact colleagues of various disciplines and nationalities, to cooperate with them, to receive or provide information, to agree on, adopt and communicate joint positions as "statements" , to attempt organizing joint research and to attend or actively participate in educational activities. All this can be achieved through COMMUNICATION.
There are various channels of communication in THE ΕΑPE: The Bulletin, the Newsletter, the Website, the electronic mail, the social media. These, however, are not enough. We need a live and continuous flow of scientific exchange and this can be achieved via the seminar-webinar initiative.
Thus, we have made a plan and have started implementing it. The seminars that we have organized so far have been invariably successful, due to the excellent cooperation with the coordinators of each of the involved sections and our hope is that this will also be the case with the remaining sections. Hereunder the seminars that have been implemented and those that have been scheduled for the future.
11. FEBRUARY 2025, JOINT WEBINAR - EAPE/UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR Centre for Professors Emeriti and Retired Higher Education Teacher
Click HERE to see the Program
To attend the seminar via the MICROSOFT TEAMS platform, please use the following link:
TEAMS Link: Webinar_Attendance_via_TEAMS
In case the link doesn't work, please use the following credentials:
Meeting ID: 332 679 041 08 - Password: tc2ak2LY
Click HERE to see the Program
To attend the seminar via the ZOOM platform, please use the following information:
ZOOM Link:
Meeting ID: 828 6127 4501 - Passcode: 937790
Section of Prevention and Health Promotion
Prof. Dennis Cokkinos
Prof. George Christodoulou
14 February 2024
Section on "Meeting the needs of children and old-olds"
Speakers: Jochen Ehrich (coordinator), George Dan, Robert Wosniewski, Natale de Santo
5. DECEMBER 2023, SEMINAR (Hybrid) of «Epioni» under the Auspices and with the participation of EAPE
12 December 2023
Metropolitan College, Athens
Theme: "Active and Healthy Aging for Persons with Mental health and developmental challenges"
Speakers: Sir Leslie Ebdon, George Christodoulou (Greetings)
Dusica Lecic-Tosevski: "Aging and Mental Health: Challenges and Responses" (main speech)
04 December 2023
Section of Ethics
Theme: "Ethics of Science as a guide to the Behavior of Researchers"
Speakers: Luigi Campanella (coordinator), Sir Leslie Ebdon, George Christodoulou
3. NOVEMBER 2023, SEMINAR: Louros Archive 1896-1986
26 November 2023
Section of Culture and Louros Foundation
Theme: "Louros Archives 1896-1986"
Speakers: George Christodoulou, Stefanos Geroulanos, Ch. Martinis, Agamemnon Tselikas, Katerina Gardikas, Athanasios Diamandopoulos (coordinator)
06 October 2023
In collaboration with the Society of Preventive Psychiatry and "Epioni"
Speakers: Danuta Wasserman, Norman Sartorius, Afzal Javed, Ledia Lazeri, Nasser Loza, Vassilis Bozikas, Nikos Christodoulou, Kelly Panagiotopoulou, Sir Leslie Ebdon, Stecy Higemonos, Spyros Zorbas, George Christodoulou (coordinator)
27 September 2023
In collaboration with the Society of Preventive Psychiatry
Speakers: George Christodoulou, Marina Economou, Nikos Tzavaras, Nikos Christodoulou
Site: Cultural Center of Psychico
Representative of the Greek Prime Minister Ms Lilyan Virviridis participated
180 participants
We hope that the seminars, in addition to serving their educational purposes will also provide some much needed visibility that will hopefully serve the recruitment of new members.
We need to work synergistically in order to achieve our scopes and this requires a substantial increase in our membership that will also contribute to the economic stability of our Association.
EAPE Conference - Naples, May 2025
• VENUE: The very panoramic four stars Hotel “Gli Dei” Pozzuoli- Naples phone: 0039 081 5263191 • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• DATE: May 27-28-29, 2025.
• Organizing Secretary: Media Congress phone 0039 081 7616181 • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• START of Scientific works: May 27 Tuesday 2.30 p.m.
END of scientific works: May 29 Thursday 12.45 p.m.
• Organization secretary would like to know day and time of arrival and departure to arrange transfer from and to Capodichino airport of Naples.
• Dinner of May 27 is scheduled at Hotel Gli Dei 8 .30 p.m.
• TOUR of Campi Flegrei for accompanying persons is planned on May 28 morning departure 9 30. It is a famous archaeological area also rich in finds from ancient Imperial Rome.
• GALA Dinner is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, May 28 (8 p.m.) at the Circolo Canottieri Napoli. Before the arrival to the Club, a panoramic tour of the city of Naples is provided with buses.
• WORK LUNCH for all participants in the scientific sessions and for accompanying persons will be organized around the swimming pool on Wednesday May 28 at 1.15 p.m.
• Coffee breaks are planned.
• Soon we will try to send you an almost definitive scientific program which may naturally have some changes or integration.
Please remember that for all scientific correspondence of the International Conference use the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Use: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. only for logistic problems.
Medical Congress of the Serbian Diaspora, Belgrade, Serbia, 7 June 2024
Three members of the EAPE Section on Mental Health organized a symposium on "Mental Health in Old Age", held on 7th June 2024, in Belgrade, Serbia:
Dusica Lecic-Tosevski, Michel Botbol, George Christodoulou.
In the photograph above, Prof. Dusica Lecic-Tosevski speaking. The names of the participants in Cyrillic.
Active & Healthy Aging, Athens Greece, 12-13 December 2023
Active and Healthy Aging
for Persons with Mental Health
and Neurodevelopmental Challenges
Click HERE to see more information
Seminar of The Section of Ethics of the EAPE, December 2023
4th December 2023
A successful webinar of the EAPE Section on Ethics was organized by the President of the Section Prof. Luigi Campanella and was coordinated by Prof. Iolanda Francolini.
Following Greetings and Introductory remarks, three speakers took the floor:
1. Luigi Campanella, Former General Secretary of the EAPE
2. Leslie Ebdon, EAPE President
3. George Christodoulou, EAPE President-Elect.
The theme of the webinar was "Ethics of Science as a guide to the Behavior of Researchers". Some important points that were highlighted were the following:
1. The health of human subjects who agree to participate in research are of first priority.
2. Negative in addition to positive results should be communicated (published) because if this does not happen, in Meta-Analyses false conclusions can be drawn.
3. Various theories of Ethics were presented and it was concluded that these theories should be put to practice in combination and that each case should be considered on its own merits.
4. The issue of patents was raised and ethical issues associated with them were discussed.
Many thanks to Luigi and all the contributors to this important event.
George Christodoulou President Elect, EAPE
Seminar of The Section of Culture of the EAPE, November 2023
The Section of Culture of the EAPE held its Seminar on the 26th November in collaboration with the Louros Foundation in Athens.
The meeting was held in the headquarters of the latter (the actual house of Nikos Louros, Academician and former Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University of Athens). The meeting dealt with the information derived from the Louros Archives, a rich source of knowledge about the historical and cultural aspects of life covering the period 1896-1986. The information was inevitably focused on issues related to Greece but a broader international perspective was also present.
I had the opportunity to greet the participants on behalf of the EAPE and Prof. S. Geroulanos spoke on behalf of the Louros Foundation. Prof. Thanos Diamandopoulos, the coordinator of the EAPE Section of Culture was the coordinator of the meeting as well. He was the first speaker and highlighted some important issues having to do not only with the various scientific and cultural contributions of Louros but also with his personality.
The speakers that followed (Ch. Marinis and A. Tsielikas) presented interesting accounts pertaining to the contribution of Nikolas Louros to culture. It was interesting to note that, as pointed out by Mr Marinis, Louros was a hoarder as he collected and kept many objects of general but also of personal interest and probably had difficulty in getting rid of useless objects. For me, as a psychiatrist, this characteristic has some value in creating the characterological profile of this important person.
Mr Tselikas spoke about the performance of Louros as a philosopher. Indeed in the old times (during the period during which Louros lived) the so-called "iatro - philosophers" thrived. Persons endowed with the ability to think philosophically in addition to their main occupation which was Medicine. This reminds us of Greece in ancient times (5th to 4th century before Christ) when the concept of Philosophy incorporated a great number and variety of disciplines. Aristotle for example was an expert in practically EVERY discipline.
The last speaker was Katerina Gardikas who delivered an excellent talk that highlighted the contribution of Louros in education, not only as an academic but also as a politician (he was a Minister of Education in one of the governments of right- wing politician Konstantinos Karamanlis). From her account it became clear to me that although Louros started his career in a very protective environment he later developed into an independent leader with ideas and ambitions that aimed at the satisfaction not only of his personal needs but also the societal needs. This evolution in his personality provided to him general recognition and thus satisfied any personal ambitions he may have had.
The "heart" of the meeting was Thanos Diamandopoulos to whom I would like to express thanks on behalf of the EAPE for having organized a very successful seminar.
George Christodoulou
President Elect, EAPE
World Mental Health Day, October 2023
Click HERE to see the Program
Press Release from the IFA 16th Global Conference on Ageing, March 2023
International Federation on Ageing to Host 16th Global Conference in Bangkok, Thailand
30 March 2023
Bangkok, Thailand - The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) is proud to announce its 16th Global Conference, which will take place in Bangkok, Thailand from June 27-30, 2023. The conference will be held at the Bangkok Convention Centre, bringing together experts from around the world to discuss the most pressing issues related to ageing.
The conference will focus on several key themes, including digital technologies, older women, maintaining and improving function, immunisation, and age-friendly environments. These themes will be explored through a series of presentations, panel discussions, and interactive workshops led by experts in the field of ageing.
With the world's ageing population growing rapidly, it has become more important than ever to address the challenges and opportunities that come with an ageing population. The IFA's 16th Global Conference aims to provide a platform for experts to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and develop strategies to address these challenges.
"The IFA's 16th Global Conference is a unique opportunity for stakeholders to come together and share their expertise on ageing," said Dr. Jane Barratt, Secretary-General of the IFA. "We are thrilled to be hosting the conference in Bangkok, Thailand, and we look forward to welcoming delegates from around the world to engage in important discussions and learn from one another."
Registration for the conference is now open, and delegates are encouraged to sign up early to secure their spot. To register, please visit
About the International Federation on Ageing:
The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) is an international non-governmental organization with a membership base of NGOs, industry, academia, government, and individuals. The IFA is committed to promoting the rights, dignity, and health of older adults around the world, and to advocating for policies and programs that help older adults live healthy and fulfilling lives.
Media contact:
For more information regarding the only International Federation on Ageing go to or please contact Ms. Ashney Patrick at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone on +1 226-457-7694.
2nd Congress «The Capital of Knowledge», April 2022
"The Capital of Knowledge"
2nd Congress of the European Association of Professors Emeriti
April 28-30, 2022 Naples Italy
It is a privilege and an honor to welcome you to the Second International Congress on The Capital of Knowledge of the European Association of Professors Emeriti that took place in Naples on April 2022. The main aim of the Congress is to protect the richness of contributions of professors emeriti and of any retired academician throughout Europe...
1st Congress «The Capital of Knowledge», May-June 2019
May 30-June 01, 2019
E.A.P.E. organised successfully its 1st International Congress from May 30 to June 1, 2019, under the auspices of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos.The theme of the Congress was
The Capital of Knowledge
Prof. Emeritus Elias Oikonomou, Vice president of SOKPA, gave a lecture for the 40 years of the Association.
Read his lecture by clicking HERE
The Events of the Congress
The President of E.A.P.E. Prof. Emer. Dennis Cokkinos address the events of the congress
The 1st International Congress of The European Association of Professors Emeriti under the main theme “The capital of Knowledge” was a success.
More than 100 colleagues participated. All the communications were very interesting and importantly time was kept very precisely.
The Congress started with 2 sessions dedicated to the management of Ηealth Challenges in our Century, on Thursday May 30th.
It was followed by a session on Culture and the Environment leading to a brilliant lecture by Professor Academician Christos Zerefos: The color of weather and climate”.
A very lively general assembly followed in which the necessity of further expanding our Society was stressed.
The activities of our Association was presented and the formation of new National Committees and working groups.
Also a proposal by the Board of the Directors to declare the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos, Professor Emeritus of Law, as honorary President of the Association was unanimously accepted.
Also an antismoking declaration unanimously accepted.
A reception followed at the roof garden of the Hotel Titania overlooking the Parthenon and the Saronic Gulf.
The next day was dedicated to the Capital of Age with many interesting presentations, as well as to Scientific Achievements through the ages.
Three special sessions followed in which the activities of many prestigious Academies and Emeriti Associations were presented such as the Academy of Athens, the French Academy of Sciences, the French Academy of Medical Sciences, the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the Associations of Professors Emeriti of the University of Athens, the Universities of Northern Greece, the National Technical University of Athens, the Athens University of Economics and Business, the University Federico II of Naples, the Federation of Associations of Professors Emeriti of Greece, the European Public Law organization, and Hellenic Medical Students International Committee.
In the Great Hall of the University of Athens at 16.30 a very interesting symposium “Back to Learning – the role of Mentorship” was presented, followed by a special lecture by Sir Leslie Ebdon with the subject: “Giving others the chance we had, the challenge of fair access to University”.
The opening salutation was given by his Excellency the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos, who also gave a very inspired lecture on “The Capital of knowledge”. The chorus of the University of Athens presented songs from Greece but also the University songs: “Vive la Compagnie” and “Gaudeamus Igitur”.
The Faculty dinner followed at the historic Athens Club.
The morning of Saturday June 1st was dedicated to “The Contribution of professors Emeriti to Science”. This was followed by a special lecture by Professor Academician Lars Walløe on behalf of European Academies Science Advisory Council: “The political difficulties concerning climate change and negative emission”. The final 2 sessions were dedicated to Health in our Society.
After the official congress was over a relaxing excursion to Cape Sounion followed with a visit to the temple of Neptune.
After this Professor Spyridon Flogaitis hosted the colleagues in the impressive foundation of the European Public Law Organization. He gave an inspired presentation of the activities of the organization. This was followed by a very enjoyable show of Greek Dances and a buffet dinner.
We thank all colleagues who participated in the Congress and we ask all our members to further support of our Association.
Dennis V. Cokkinos Prof. Emeritus University of Athens
View and/or Download the Book "The Capital of Knowledge, Proceedings of the First International Congress" HERE
View and/or Download the Program of this Congress HERE